Jail Inmates in Bihar’s Beur Jail Active on Internet Media

Inmates of Bihar’s Adarsh Central Jail, Beur, have been found to be active on internet media platforms. Notorious prisoners are taking photo shoots inside the jail and uploading them on various internet media sites. These photographs have been circulating on the internet, despite the prisoners still being in jail.

Questioning the Use of Mobile Phones in Jail

The fact that prisoners are able to take pictures and upload them online raises concerns about the indiscriminate use of mobile phones in Beur Jail. How are these smartphones reaching the hands of prisoners? The presence of a large number of mobile phones among prisoners raises questions about the awareness of the jail administration regarding this issue.

Jail Superintendent Jitendra Kumar claimed that the circulated pictures are three years old. He mentioned that Vinayak was transferred to Bhagalpur Central Jail on May 7, while Ujjwal, who appeared in one of the photographs, was released on July 8.

Viral Picture of Prisoner in Black T-shirt

A picture of Abhishek Anand, a resident of ward no. N/A, in Beur Jail has gone viral on Instagram. The picture shows Abhishek wearing a black T-shirt. Additionally, pictures of Golu and Ujjwal from Bikram’s infamous Bapji gang have been circulating on WhatsApp. These pictures were taken while the prisoners were sitting at the outpost in the barracks. Golu is currently in ward number 3/23 and can be seen talking on a mobile phone in the photo.

Other prisoners, such as Vinayak Singh, who was arrested for raping a girl in Boring Road, have also had their pictures circulated. Vinayak has been in Bhagalpur Central Jail for the past six months. Similarly, pictures of several other prisoners have been widely circulated on various internet media platforms.

  • Inmates of Beur Jail, Bihar, are uploading pictures of themselves on the internet.
  • Questions have been raised about the use of mobile phones in the jail.
  • Jail Superintendent claims that the circulated pictures are three years old.
  • A viral picture of Abhishek Anand in a black T-shirt has been circulating on Instagram.
  • Pictures of Golu, Ujjwal, and other prisoners have also been widely circulated on WhatsApp and other internet media sites.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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