Adani Enterprises Ltd
Current status of Adani Enterprises stock price
In today’s article we are going to take information about the current situation in the stock market, information about returns and also the good news that has come in Adani Ports share and Adani Enterprises share.
The market cap of Adani Enterprises Share Company, a company in the trading sector of the share market, is Rs 2,87,200.48 thousand crores, then the company currently has a debt of Rs 2,920.28 crores, then the promoter holding of the company is recorded at 67.65%, so the company has free An amount of Rs 1,339.86 crore is available in the form of funds, so the company’s sales growth is 150.99% and profit growth is 125.16%.
Return information for last 5 years
If we take information about the returns of the company, then the company has given returns of 76% in the last 5 years, returns of 103% in the last 3 years and returns of 27% in the last 1 year, returns of 44% in the last 6 months. This company has given to its investors.
Adani Enterprises stock share
According to the information received from the company, there is a good news of the company that it is continuously increasing its stake in the company, because the company’s stake was 67.65% in June 2023, which was 69.87% in the last month of August, now it has increased to 71.93% this month. If so, then this is a good thing for investors in this company.
Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd
Adani Ports share current status of
The market cap of Adani Ports and Special Share Company, a port sector company of the stock market, is Rs 1,78,211.46 crore, while the company currently has a debt of Rs 47,522.48 crore. The company has an amount of Rs 2,030.17 crore available in the form of free cash. The promoter holding of the company is 62.89%, the sales growth of the company is 24.51%, the profit growth is 424.91%, the company has provided 0.61% dividend yield to its investors.
Return information for last 5 years
If we take information about the returns of the company, then the company has