IFL Enterprises Ltd

The company was started on 23 January 2009 as Sarthak Suppliers Private Limited, which was renamed as IFL Enterprises Private Limited on 27 January 2016. The main business of the company is trading, shares, stocks, bonds, acquisitions but the company is also engaged in manufacturing of fabric. The company also deals in other similar products.

Current status of IFL Enterprises Share

The market cap of the company is Rs 326.32 crore, so ifl enterprises share company currently has no debt, the company has an amount of Rs 13 lakh deposited in free cash, then the promoter holding of the company is 1.31% and the sales growth of the company is 280.80% and profit growth is recorded at 338.69%.

Return information for last 5 years

If we take information about the returns of the company, then ifl enterprises share company has made 16% returns in the last 6 months, 116% returns in the last 1 year, 170% returns in the last 3 years, and 112% returns in the last 5 years. The company has achieved success for its investors and has recorded a revenue growth of 35% in the last 3 years.

Order increased by Rs 197 crore

In the quarterly results presented by the company in June 2023, the company had earned a net profit of Rs 35 lakhs which was only Rs 2 lakhs last time. According to the information received from the company, the company received a new order. And its total amount is Rs 197.79 crore and this is the order which has been received from Paper Industries of Siddhesh Global Client.

Its share is trading at Rs 14 in the stock market and its 52 week high level is Rs 16.86 and 52 week low level is Rs 6.48. After getting this order, now good results can be seen in this share and also the share You are also likely to see significant growth.

Disclaimer [ disclaimer ] The purpose of the news you read is only to provide you information. Akhandindia.com.in Does not advise investing in the stock market at all. The stock market is subject to risk, hence take expert advice before investing.

READ MORE-Good news of new orders and increased dividend amid amazing rise in rvnl share.

Rs 6 share got orders worth Rs 12,00,00,000

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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