One Nail Costs 7.4 Lakhs ★A famous bone disease specialist will have to pay a whopping 7.4 lakhs for one nail. The reason being that during surgery, the doctor left a drill bit in the patient’s body. The patient suffered for a long time and filed a complaint with the consumer forum. After nine years, the forum has now ordered the doctor to pay the penalty within two months.

Penalty of 7.4 lakhs imposed ★The consumer forum in Siwan has imposed a penalty of 7.4 lakhs on renowned bone doctor Ramaji Chaudhary. The forum has given a two-month deadline for the payment.

The whole case ★Shatrughan Singh, a resident of Manpur village in Siwan district, was injured by an animal on November 11, 2014, which resulted in a fractured hand and leg. He was taken to the famous bone doctor Ramaji Chaudhary on Hospital Road. Dr. Chaudhary advised him to undergo surgery due to the severity of the injury. Singh underwent treatment from November 11 to November 29, 2014, and paid a total of 60,000 rupees to Dr. Chaudhary. However, after the operation, Singh started experiencing pain in his leg.

Drill machine left in the patient’s leg ★According to the patient’s family, during the operation, the doctor left a drill bit inside the leg. This caused constant pain and the patient’s condition worsened over time.

Case opened in Patna ★When the pain did not subside, Singh’s family took him to Patna where doctors confirmed that a drill bit was left in his left leg during the operation, causing the pain.

Case filed in the consumer forum ★When the family complained to Dr. Ramaji Chaudhary about this, he shrugged it off and said he had done what was necessary. Following this, Shatrughan Singh filed a case in the consumer forum, which found the doctor guilty and imposed a penalty of 7.4 lakhs. The forum has ordered the doctor to pay the penalty within two months, failing which legal action will be taken.

खबर हिंदी में भी समझिए

एक कील की कीमत 7.4 लाख रुपये होगी। एक मशहूर हड्डी रोग विशेषज्ञ ने सर्जरी के दौरान ड्रिलिंग मशीन की एक कीलनुमा बिट मरीज के शरीर में छोड़ दी थी। मरीज ने उपभोक्ता फोरम में शिकायत दर्ज कराई और उसे दो महीने में 7.4 लाख रुपये का जुर्माना दिया गया है। डॉक्टर को दो महीने के अंदर इस भुगतान का आदेश है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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