The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will now question ten railway employees from the Sonpur division in relation to the alleged job scam. The agency has summoned all of them to appear at the CBI headquarters in Delhi on specific dates. The office of the Hajipur Superintendent has sent a letter to all the employees, instructing them to bring all the necessary documents and be present at the CBI office. The dates for questioning have been set for November 21, 22, 23, and 25.
The CBI is investigating a case of alleged corruption and irregularities in the recruitment process for jobs in the railway sector. The ten employees from the Sonpur division are suspected of involvement in the scam. The CBI believes that they have crucial information that can help in uncovering the truth behind the scam. Therefore, they have been summoned for questioning to gather more evidence and gather their statements.
The job scam has caused significant outrage and concern among the public and authorities. The alleged irregularities in the recruitment process have raised questions about the transparency and fairness of the system. The CBI’s investigation is expected to shed light on the extent of the scam and bring those responsible to justice. The agency is determined to conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation to ensure that the truth is revealed and appropriate action is taken.