The Indian Railways is operating special trains in addition to regular trains for the Chhath Puja festival. The railway administration has advised passengers not to carry any inflammable substances such as gas cylinders, petrol, diesel, kerosene stoves, matches, cigarettes, lighters, and fireworks during the journey in order to ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience. The administration has also taken extra measures to make the rail journey enjoyable for the passengers.

Chhath Puja is a major festival celebrated in the state of Bihar. It is dedicated to the Sun God and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion. During this festival, devotees offer prayers to the Sun God and seek blessings for the well-being and prosperity of their families. The festival involves various rituals and customs, including fasting, holy bathing, and offering prayers at the river banks.

To facilitate the smooth flow of passengers during this festival, the railway administration has introduced special trains. These trains will help in accommodating the increased number of passengers traveling to their hometowns to celebrate Chhath Puja. The administration has also ensured the availability of necessary facilities and services to make the journey comfortable and convenient for the passengers.

In conclusion, the Indian Railways is operating special trains for the Chhath Puja festival and has advised passengers not to carry any inflammable substances during the journey. The railway administration is committed to ensuring a safe and enjoyable travel experience for the passengers. The festival of Chhath Puja holds great significance in Bihar and the railway administration has taken all necessary measures to accommodate the increased number of passengers and provide them with the necessary facilities.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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