Ara (Bhojpur): A woman was killed in a tragic accident near Kodhwan village, under the Jagdishpur police station in Bhojpur, Bihar. The incident occurred on Saturday evening when a motorcycle rider, who was going to the Chhath market, collided forcefully with an elderly woman. The woman had gone to the market with her son. Unfortunately, she passed away on the way to Ara Sadar Hospital for treatment.

The incident caused a commotion among the people. The deceased, Raghunath Singh, was a resident of Kodhwan village under Jagdishpur police station. The woman, who was in her old age, was hit hard by the motorcycle rider while crossing the road. The impact of the collision was severe, leading to her immediate demise.

The motorcycle rider, who was heading to the Chhath market, was unable to avoid the collision with the elderly woman. As a result, the woman suffered fatal injuries. The incident has left the locals shocked and saddened.

The body of the deceased was taken to Ara Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. The police have started an investigation into the incident and are examining CCTV footage to gather more information. The motorcycle rider has been detained for questioning. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and caution while driving, especially during festive seasons when the roads are crowded with shoppers and pedestrians.

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