Today, the final match of the Cricket World Cup is taking place between India and Australia. Before the start of the match, a special prayer and worship ceremony was conducted by Buddhist monks at the Bodh Gaya Temple in Bodh Gaya. The Buddhist monks held a special puja in front of Lord Buddha, praying for the victory of the Indian team, holding a representation of the Indian team’s victory in their hands.

The caretaker of the Bodh Gaya Temple, Bhikshu Aryapal Bhante, mentioned that prayers were offered for the assured victory of the Indian team in the final match of the World Cup. Buddhist monks from different states also participated in the special puja, expressing their wishes for the Indian team’s success.

The Bodh Gaya Temple is a significant place for Buddhists, as it is believed to be the place where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. The special puja and prayers conducted by the Buddhist monks at this temple hold great importance and significance. It is hoped that their prayers and wishes will bring luck and success to the Indian team in the final match.

Overall, the Buddhist monks at the Bodh Gaya Temple conducted a special prayer and worship ceremony, praying for the victory of the Indian team in the Cricket World Cup final match. Their prayers and wishes hold great significance, and it is hoped that their efforts will bring luck and success to the Indian team.

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