The four-day Chhath festival came to an end with devotees offering prayers to the setting and rising suns in Madhubani. The Chhath ghats witnessed a large gathering of people who came to witness the Chhath puja. The police administration also ensured security measures at all the ghats and the puja committee made important announcements regarding the puja at regular intervals.

The Chhath festival is an important Hindu festival celebrated with great enthusiasm in many parts of India, especially Bihar. It is dedicated to the Sun God and is celebrated to express gratitude and seek blessings for the well-being and prosperity of the family. During the festival, devotees observe a fast and offer prayers to the setting and rising suns on the banks of rivers or other water bodies.

The Chhath ghats in Madhubani witnessed a huge crowd of devotees who had gathered to witness the Chhath puja. The police administration ensured the safety and security of the devotees at all the ghats. The puja committee also made announcements regarding the significance of the puja and its rituals, guiding the devotees through the process.

The Chhath festival holds immense cultural and religious significance for the people of Bihar. It is a time for family reunions and a celebration of traditional customs and rituals. The festival is known for its elaborate rituals and strict fasting practices. The festivities create a vibrant atmosphere and bring people together in devotion and celebration.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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