The Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ashish Bharti provided information on a case where a youth from the Tandkupa area of Gaya district was called by someone from Nawada to drive a JCB. After the youth was kidnapped, his family demanded a ransom of seven lakh rupees. Under the leadership of SSP Ashish Bharti, the Gaya police, with the help of local police from Sheikhpura district, successfully rescued the youth without paying any ransom. Two criminals involved in the incident were also arrested.
The incident took place in the Tandkupa area of Gaya district, where a youth was lured by someone from Nawada to operate a JCB. However, after the youth was abducted, his family demanded a ransom of seven lakh rupees for his release. SSP Ashish Bharti took charge of the case and coordinated with the local police from Sheikhpura district to rescue the youth.
With the joint efforts of the Gaya police and the Sheikhpura police, the youth was successfully rescued without paying any ransom. The police also apprehended two criminals involved in the incident. The timely intervention and swift action by the police ensured the safe return of the youth and the arrest of the perpetrators.
This incident highlights the effective coordination and dedication of the police force in resolving cases of kidnapping and ensuring the safety of the citizens. The successful rescue of the youth without giving in to the ransom demand sends a strong message to criminals and reaffirms the commitment of the police in maintaining law and order in the region.