A elderly man who was injured in a road accident in Bhojpur, Bihar, died while undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Patna. The incident has caused a stir among the people. The deceased, identified as Surendra Singh, was a 60-year-old farmer from the Jalpura village in the Chandee Thana area. His brother, Kameshwar Singh, explained that the accident occurred last week when Surendra was returning home on his bike and collided with a truck. He was immediately rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries during treatment.

The incident has sparked anger and frustration among the local residents, who are demanding justice for Surendra’s death. They have questioned the negligence of the authorities in ensuring road safety and have urged for stricter measures to prevent such accidents in the future.

The family of the deceased is grieving the loss of their loved one and seeking accountability for the accident. They have demanded a thorough investigation into the matter and appropriate action against those responsible for the accident.

Road accidents continue to be a major concern in India, with thousands of lives lost every year due to reckless driving and poor road infrastructure. This incident serves as a reminder of the urgent need for improved road safety measures and stricter enforcement of traffic laws to prevent such tragic incidents from recurring.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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