In Gaya, Bihar, an 8-year-old student named Saurabh Kumar observed a 36-hour long dry fast and offered prayers to Lord Baskar. Saurabh, a student of Class 4 in DAV Public School, is the son of Santosh Yadav, a resident of Sherghati Bazar under the jurisdiction of Sherghati police station. He explained that in 2022, he suddenly felt a desire to celebrate a grand festival. As a result, he went to his maternal grandmother’s village, Ghamharia, in Dobi, and began the Chhath Puja there. Saurabh mentioned that this is the second year he has observed this fast.
Saurabh’s dedication and devotion towards his religious beliefs are truly remarkable, especially at such a young age. The Chhath Puja is a significant festival in Bihar and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and reverence. It is a four-day long festival dedicated to the Sun God, where devotees observe rigorous fasting and offer prayers to seek blessings for their well-being and prosperity.
The fact that Saurabh observed a 36-hour long dry fast demonstrates his strong willpower and commitment towards his faith. This fast involves abstaining from food and water for an extended period, which requires immense physical and mental strength. Saurabh’s determination and perseverance in completing this rigorous fast at such a tender age deserve appreciation.
Saurabh’s parents and teachers have also played a crucial role in supporting and encouraging him to fulfill his religious aspirations. Their guidance and encouragement have helped him in understanding the significance of the Chhath Puja and have instilled a sense of devotion and dedication in him. Saurabh’s devotion towards Lord Baskar serves as an inspiration to others, showcasing the importance of faith and spirituality in one’s life.