A young man drowned in the Modi Talab in the Jale police station area of Darbhanga district during the Chhath Mahaparv celebrations. It is said that the incident occurred while the youth was offering prayers to the setting sun. Local residents made efforts to find his body in the lake till late at night, but were unsuccessful. The incident has caused great distress among the grieving family members. The deceased belonged to Ward No. 16 of the Nagar Parishad area.
During the Chhath Mahaparv celebrations in the Jale police station area of Darbhanga district, a young man drowned in the Modi Talab. The incident took place while he was performing the rituals of arghya to the setting sun. Despite the efforts made by local people to search for his body in the lake till late at night, they were unable to locate it. The family members of the deceased are deeply saddened by the incident. He was a resident of Ward No. 16 in the Nagar Parishad area.
The Chhath Mahaparv celebrations turned tragic when a young man drowned in the Modi Talab in Darbhanga district’s Jale police station area. It is believed that he met with the accident while offering prayers during the arghya ritual to the setting sun. Despite the extensive search conducted by local residents throughout the night, the body of the victim could not be found. The incident has left the family members in a state of shock and grief. The deceased was a resident of Ward No. 16 in the Nagar Parishad area.
A young man lost his life in a drowning incident during the Chhath Mahaparv celebrations at the Modi Talab in the Jale police station area of Darbhanga district. The incident occurred while the youth was performing the arghya ritual to the setting sun. Despite the tireless efforts of local residents to locate his body in the lake, they were unsuccessful. The tragic incident has left the family members devastated. The deceased resided in Ward No. 16 of the Nagar Parishad area.