In Bhairapatti village of the Bahadurpur police station area in Darbhanga district, a fire broke out in a house, resulting in the death of a father and son due to burns. It was reported that 45-year-old Mohammed Shabbir had been living in his in-laws’ house in Bhairapatti with his 13-year-old son Aamir for several years. On Tuesday night, Shabbir set fire to a carton of eggs, thinking that the smoke would drive away mosquitoes and went to sleep. However, the fire spread from the eggs and both the father and son were burnt to death.

The news of the incident spread mourning throughout the area. Shabbir’s wife, Angoori Khatun, learned about the death of her husband and son when she returned home from the nursing home where she worked at around 12:30 am. Angoori Khatun created a commotion upon seeing the house on fire. The people in the vicinity managed to control the fire before she realized that her husband and son had already died. The incident caused mourning in the entire area.

The police arrived at the scene and took custody of the bodies for post-mortem. It is said that the deceased, Mohammed Shabbir, was originally from Begusarai district. After marriage, he started living in his in-laws’ house in Bhairapatti, Darbhanga. He had four children, including two sons and two daughters. Aamir, the deceased, was the youngest child.

Upon receiving information about the incident, Madan Sahni, the Minister of Social Welfare of Bihar, visited the scene and met with the affected family. He assured the family of four lakh rupees in compensation. The bodies of the deceased were sent for post-mortem. Neeraj Kumar Verma, the officer in charge of the Bahadurpur police station, confirmed that the bodies were sent to the DMCH for post-mortem.

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