A tragic accident occurred on NH 57 in the Fulparas area of Madhubani, Bihar. On Tuesday morning at 8 am, a car belonging to the Madhepura DM (District Magistrate) was speeding towards Patna when it collided with a divider near Fulparas Chowk. The car hit a mother, her daughter, and two NHAI (National Highway Authority of India) workers, causing the death of the mother and daughter. The NHAI workers were taken to a private hospital in Darbhanga for treatment.
The incident took place at a high speed, resulting in a severe collision between the car and the divider. The impact of the collision caused the car to hit the mother, identified as Gudiya Devi, and her daughter, Aarti Kumari. Unfortunately, both of them lost their lives in the accident. The NHAI workers who were also hit by the car were immediately rushed to a nearby private hospital in Darbhanga for medical treatment.
The car involved in the accident belonged to the Madhepura DM and was heading towards Patna. It was travelling at a fast pace when it collided with the divider near Fulparas Chowk. The incident occurred on NH 57, which is known for its busy traffic. The accident resulted in the tragic death of a mother and her daughter, while two NHAI workers were injured and taken to a private hospital in Darbhanga for treatment.
The authorities are investigating the incident to determine the cause of the accident. It is yet to be determined if any legal action will be taken against the driver of the Madhepura DM’s car. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to traffic rules and regulations to prevent such accidents from occurring.