In Shekhupura, a out-of-control highiva truck collided with an e-rickshaw filled with passengers on Thursday near Belchi Mode on the Shekhupura-Sumka main road under the jurisdiction of Arieri police station. As a result, the e-rickshaw fell into a ditch on the roadside. Three passengers on the vehicle were severely injured in the incident.
The incident took place on the busy Shekhupura-Sumka main road, where the highiva truck lost control and crashed into the e-rickshaw. The impact of the collision caused the e-rickshaw to veer off the road and fall into a ditch. The truck driver was unable to stop in time, resulting in the accident.
The three passengers on the e-rickshaw suffered serious injuries as a result of the collision. They were immediately rushed to the hospital for medical treatment. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for drivers to exercise caution to prevent such accidents.
Authorities are investigating the incident to determine the cause of the accident and to ensure that appropriate action is taken against those responsible. The incident has also highlighted the need for stricter enforcement of traffic rules and regulations to prevent similar accidents in the future.