Representatives and locals from the Ghanashyampur Nagar Panchayat in Darbhanga staged a protest at the Ghanashyampur CHC against the prevailing disorder and irregularities. They demanded the presence of the concerned authority to address their grievances during the indefinite sit-in protest. The protest was attended by prominent council members such as Mo. Shahadat Ali, son of the deputy council member Hasan Jahid Siddiqui, ward council member Vikas Sharma, and Prince Singh, who accused the hospital of referring pregnant women and patients without proper check-ups, engaging in illegal collection of fees, not mentioning doctors’ names on the roster, inadequate food supply to patients, and unavailability of ambulances. The protesters also alleged arbitrary behavior by hospital authorities in medicine distribution, delayed opening of the registration counter, and the disappearance of the responsible medical officer.

The representatives and locals from Ghanashyampur Nagar Panchayat in Darbhanga protested against the prevailing disorder and irregularities at the Ghanashyampur CHC. During the indefinite sit-in protest, they demanded the presence of the concerned authority to address their grievances. The council members present at the protest accused the hospital of several wrongdoings, including referring pregnant women and patients without proper check-ups, engaging in illegal collection of fees, not mentioning doctors’ names on the roster, inadequate food supply to patients, and unavailability of ambulances. They also alleged arbitrary behavior by hospital authorities in medicine distribution, delayed opening of the registration counter, and the disappearance of the responsible medical officer.

The protesters raised concerns about the lack of proper healthcare facilities and the mistreatment of patients at the Ghanashyampur CHC. They accused the hospital of prioritizing certain patients over others, showing bias in medicine distribution, and mismanagement in various departments such as X-ray and pathology. The representatives and locals demanded immediate action against those responsible for these irregularities.

The representatives and locals from Ghanashyampur Nagar Panchayat in Darbhanga staged a protest at the Ghanashyampur CHC, highlighting various issues such as improper check-ups for pregnant women and patients, illegal collection of fees, absence of doctors’ names on the roster, inadequate food supply, unavailability of ambulances, and mismanagement in medicine distribution and various hospital departments. They demanded the presence of the concerned authority to address their grievances and called for strict action against those responsible for these irregularities.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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