A woman named Ajmeri Khatoon from Purnia, Bihar, approached the Superintendent of Police (SP), Aamir Javed, with a complaint regarding the death of her chickens. She brought an application in one hand and the dead chickens in the other hand to the SP’s office on Friday. The woman has accused her neighbor of killing 2 goats and 24 chickens. The incident took place in the Bachardoh village under the Dagrua police station area. Initially, the police officer denied hearing the complaint related to the death of the chickens. However, the SP has assured her of justice.

After being denied by the local police officer, the woman took her complaint to the SP’s office. She accused her neighbor of killing 2 goats and 24 chickens. The incident occurred in the Bachardoh village under the Dagrua police station area. The police officer initially rejected the complaint, but the SP has promised her that justice will be served.

Ajmeri Khatoon, a 60-year-old woman from Purnia, Bihar, went directly to SP Aamir Javed with an application and dead chickens. She accused her neighbor of killing 2 goats and 24 chickens. The incident took place in the Bachardoh village under the Dagrua police station area. Initially, the local police officer refused to address the complaint, but the SP has given her assurance for justice.

The woman, Ajmeri Khatoon, visited the SP’s office in Purnia, Bihar, to report the death of her chickens. She accused her neighbor of killing 2 goats and 24 chickens. Initially, the local police officer dismissed her complaint, but the SP has assured her that justice will be served. The incident occurred in the Bachardoh village under the Dagrua police station area.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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