The retired sanitation workers of Bettiah Nagar Nigam, Raghunath Mistri and Jamvanti Devi, received a visit from the Mayor, Garima Devi Sikariya, at their homes on Friday. She handed over the paperwork for the payment of their pension benefits. She also offered them sweets and presented them with clothes. Both sanitation workers had retired several years ago, and due to their old age and illness, they were unable to attend the distribution ceremony of their pension benefits at the municipal office. Therefore, Mayor Garima Devi Sikariya personally visited their homes to distribute the paperwork for the payment of their pension benefits.

Mayor Garima Devi Sikariya visited the homes of the retired sanitation workers. In the past years, a total of 19 municipal workers have retired in Bettiah. The Mayor expressed her concern for the welfare of these retired workers and made sure that they receive their entitled pension benefits. She acknowledged the years of dedicated service they had given to the municipality and ensured that they are not left behind in receiving their rightful benefits.

Raghunath Mistri and Jamvanti Devi were grateful for the visit and the prompt distribution of their pension benefits. They expressed their gratitude towards the Mayor for her personal attention and for ensuring that they receive their entitlements. The retired sanitation workers were pleased to receive the financial support, as it would greatly assist them in their old age and in managing their medical expenses.

Mayor Garima Devi Sikariya’s visit to the homes of the retired sanitation workers highlights the municipality’s commitment to the welfare of its employees, even after their retirement. It showcases the importance of recognizing the contributions made by these workers and ensuring that they are provided with their entitled benefits in a timely manner.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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