A video of celebratory firing has recently emerged, sparking concerns about the use of firearms at wedding ceremonies. In response to this, the authorities in Patna have issued strict instructions to the police stations and organizers of such events. Both the organizers and participants will be held responsible in case of any such incident occurring. The City SP, Vaibhav Sharma, has also claimed that the police will take necessary action to prevent such occurrences in the future.

The video showing celebratory firing has raised alarm bells among the authorities in Patna. To address this issue, the higher officials have instructed the police stations and organizers of wedding ceremonies to adhere to strict guidelines. Both parties involved will be held accountable if any such incidents occur. This step is being taken to ensure the safety of the public and prevent any potential harm.

The City SP, Vaibhav Sharma, has assured that the police will take appropriate actions to prevent celebratory firing incidents from happening in the future. It is important to educate the organizers and participants about the dangers and consequences of such actions. By holding them responsible, the authorities hope to create a sense of accountability and discourage the use of firearms during celebrations.

The emergence of the video has prompted the authorities to take immediate action and issue strict instructions. The focus is on preventing any future incidents of celebratory firing and ensuring the safety of the public. The police will work closely with the organizers to enforce these guidelines and hold them responsible for any violations. With these measures in place, the authorities aim to prevent any further incidents and maintain peace and security in Patna.

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