The district administration of Muzaffarpur has started preparations for Kartik Purnima and Ganga Snan. As part of this, the district administration has announced a complete ban on private boat operations in all rivers of Muzaffarpur district during Kartik Purnima. In this regard, a letter has been issued from the office of Amit Kumar, the sub-divisional magistrate of Muzaffarpur East, declaring a complete ban on boat operations in the district.
The decision to impose a ban on private boat operations during Kartik Purnima is aimed at preventing any accidents during the Ganga Snan. The district administration is taking this step to ensure the safety of the devotees who will be participating in the holy bath in the Ganges. The ban on boat operations is expected to help maintain order and prevent any untoward incidents during the religious event.
Kartik Purnima is a significant festival for Hindus, and devotees from various parts of the country visit Muzaffarpur to take part in the Ganga Snan. The district administration is making all necessary arrangements to ensure the smooth conduct of the event and the safety of the devotees. This includes the deployment of additional security personnel and the establishment of control rooms to monitor the situation during the festival. The district administration is also coordinating with various agencies to provide necessary facilities and services to the devotees.
Overall, the district administration of Muzaffarpur is gearing up for Kartik Purnima and Ganga Snan by imposing a ban on private boat operations and making necessary arrangements for the safety and convenience of the devotees. The aim is to ensure a peaceful and incident-free celebration of the festival, allowing devotees to perform their rituals and seek blessings without any hindrance or risk.
ने निजी नौका परिचालन पर पूर्ण प्रतिबंध लगाने का फैसला किया है। इसके साथ ही, मुजफ्फरपुर पूर्वी के अनुमंडल दंडाधिकारी अमित कुमार ने नौका चालन को पूर्णतः प्रतिबंधित करने का आदेश जारी किया है। इसका मुख्य उद्देश्य गंगा स्नान के दौरान किसी भी हादसे को रोकना है।