In a recent action against cyber criminals in Navada, two villages in Warsaliganj were raided and 18 people were arrested. The police seized mobile phones, cash, and other items during the operation. DSP Priya Jyoti held a press conference on Saturday at the Cyber Police Station to provide information about the action. She stated that the special raids were conducted against those involved in cyber crimes, following the directions of the DM and SP. The raids took place in the Chakway and Pangeri villages of the Warsaliganj area, where the 18 individuals were apprehended.

The police in Navada have taken strict measures against cyber criminals. The recent operation involved special raids in two villages, resulting in the arrest of 18 people. Mobile phones, cash, and other items were confiscated during the raids. DSP Priya Jyoti held a press conference to provide details about the action, stating that it was carried out as per the instructions of the DM and SP.

The villages of Chakway and Pangeri in the Warsaliganj area were targeted in the raids. These areas have been known for cyber crimes, prompting the police to conduct special operations against the culprits. The arrests made during the raids will help in curbing cyber crimes in the region and ensuring the safety of the residents.

The action taken by the police in Navada against cyber criminals demonstrates their commitment to maintaining law and order in the region. By conducting special raids and apprehending 18 individuals involved in cyber crimes, the police have sent a strong message to potential offenders. The seized mobile phones, cash, and other items will serve as evidence in the ongoing investigation. The police will continue to take proactive measures to combat cyber crimes and protect the residents of Navada.

जाता है और उनके पास मोबाइल, रुपया और अन्य सामान जब्त किया गया है। साइबर थाने की डीएसपी प्रिया ज्योति ने बताया है कि इन अपराधियों के खिलाफ विशेष छापेमारी की गई है और यह कार्रवाई डीएम एसपी के निर्देश पर की गई है।

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