Illegal logging of valuable trees is being carried out continuously in the Lohasinghna jungle area along the Bihar-Jharkhand border in Jamui. Acting on confidential information, a team from the Forest Department apprehended a smuggler on Friday night who was cutting down precious trees and seized the tractor as well. It is reported that the Forest Department team had been monitoring the area for several days.
The illegal logging activities in the Lohasinghna jungle area have been a cause of concern for the Forest Department. The smugglers have been cutting down valuable trees without any authorization, causing significant damage to the environment. The team’s successful operation in apprehending one of the smugglers and confiscating the tractor is a step towards curbing this illegal activity.
The Forest Department is determined to put an end to the illegal logging in the area and protect the valuable trees. They will continue to monitor the Lohasinghna jungle area closely and take strict action against anyone involved in illegal logging. This operation serves as a warning to other smugglers who are engaged in similar activities. The Forest Department’s efforts are aimed at preserving the biodiversity and maintaining the ecological balance in the region.
लोहसिंघना जंगली इलाके में अवैध लकड़ी की कटाई की जा रही थी। इसे लेकर वन विभाग की टीम ने गुप्त सूचना के आधार पर एक तस्कर को गिरफ्तार किया है और उसके साथ ट्रैक्टर भी जब्त किया है।