In Begusarai, a young man lost his life in a collision between two motorcycles, while three others were injured. The injured individuals are currently receiving treatment at a private hospital. The incident took place in the Tehgarha police station area. The deceased has been identified as Mohan Kumar, a resident of Jinetpur village in the Mufassil police station area. Arvind Kumar, one of the injured individuals, stated that the collision occurred late Friday night during a Tilak ceremony.

The collision has once again highlighted the dangers of speeding on the roads. It is a tragic incident that has resulted in the loss of a young life and left others injured. The injured individuals are currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital, and their condition is being closely monitored. The incident took place in the Tehgarha police station area, and the deceased has been identified as Mohan Kumar, a resident of Jinetpur village.

This incident serves as a reminder for everyone to exercise caution while on the roads. Speeding and reckless driving can lead to devastating consequences, as seen in this unfortunate incident. It is important for individuals to prioritize safety and adhere to traffic rules to prevent such accidents from occurring. The authorities should also take measures to ensure road safety and enforce traffic regulations to protect the lives of citizens.

के बाद वे अपनी बाइक पर वापस घर की तरफ जा रहे थे। इसी बीच दूसरी बाइक ने उनकी बाइक से टक्कर मारी और युवक की मौत हो गई। घटना की जांच जारी है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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