The village of Teer Balua, located in the border area of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, is known as the “village of boats”. Situated along the banks of the Sarayu and Chhoti Gandak rivers, this village has more than 100 households that rely on boats for transportation. Just like bicycles and motorcycles are means of transport for people to travel to and from their homes, boats serve the same purpose for the residents of this village.
The geographical location of this village is such that it is surrounded by three rivers, making it prone to flooding. During the monsoon season, when the rivers swell, the only way for the villagers to move around is by using boats. These boats are not only used for transportation, but also for various other activities such as fishing and carrying goods.
The villagers of Teer Balua have adapted to their unique circumstances and have become skilled boatmen. They have developed a deep understanding of the rivers and their changing currents, enabling them to navigate through the water with ease. The boats used in this village are made of wood and are designed to withstand the strong currents and rough waters.
Despite the challenges they face due to their geographical location, the residents of Teer Balua have managed to create a thriving community. They have found ways to make the most of their resources and have turned their reliance on boats into a way of life. The village serves as a reminder of the resilience and adaptability of human beings in the face of adversity.
ओर पानी से घिरे हुए हैं। इस वजह से यहां के लोग नाव का उपयोग करके ही अन्य इलाकों तक पहुंच पाते हैं। यह गांव अपनी विशेषता के कारण पर्यटकों की भी आकर्षण का केंद्र बन चुका है।