In Sitamarhi, Bihar, a 7-year-old disabled girl was raped by a young man living in the neighborhood. After the incident, the perpetrator was caught by the people and brutally beaten. Currently, the girl is undergoing treatment at the district hospital in Sadar. The incident took place in the Belasand area of the district. It is reported that the innocent girl is unable to speak. Her neighbor committed this heinous act. After the incident, there was an uproar in the area. The girl was admitted to a referral hospital in critical condition. After primary treatment, she was referred to a higher center for better medical care.
The victim’s mother revealed that her husband had gone out of the state for work. Her 7-year-old daughter cannot speak. The neighbor’s son lured her and took her to a makeshift hut where he committed the crime. When people saw the girl crying while coming out of the hut, they raised an alarm. The accused tried to escape but was caught with the help of other villagers. Some people even beat him up. The girl was taken to the referral hospital for treatment, where she was referred to a higher center for better medical care after primary treatment.
The accused was also referred to the police custody for forensic investigation after being injured from the beating by the people. The police have started the investigation after receiving the information about the incident. Further action will be taken after receiving the application from the victim’s side. Currently, the accused is in police custody.
सीतामढ़ी में 7 साल की दिव्यांग बच्ची के साथ रेप की घटना हुई है। यह अपराध उसके पड़ोस में रहने वाले एक युवक द्वारा किया गया है। घटना के बाद लोगों ने उसे पकड़ लिया और उसे बेरहमी से पिटाई कर दी। बच्ची को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है और आरोपी को पुलिस अभिरक्षा में रखा गया है।