Buxar SP conducted a surprise inspection on Monday night. During the inspection of vehicles on the Ganga Bridge, irregularities were found. An assistant sub-inspector, along with a constable, was taken action against for these irregularities. All of them have been suspended. This was confirmed by Buxar SP Manish Kumar. They had gone for inspection with the crime control team.
बक्सर एसपी मनीष कुमार ने सोमवार रात गंगा ब्रिज पर वाहन जांच के दौरान अनियमितता का पता लगाया। इस पर कार्रवाई करके एक सहायक अवर निरीक्षक, एक हवलदार और एक सिपाही को निलंबित कर लाइन क्लोज कर दिया गया है।