Begusarai: A tragic incident occurred on the auspicious day of Kartik Purnima when a motorcycle was destroyed due to a truck accident. The incident took place in Begusarai, where the high-speed traffic of vehicles snatched away the happiness of a family. A speeding truck collided with two young men riding a motorcycle, resulting in the death of one and serious injuries to the other. The injured youth is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital. The incident occurred near the Zero Mile area of the Gadhara Thana region.

The deceased youth has been identified as Pankaj Kumar Shah, son of Vimal Shah from Ulav village in the Singhoul Thana region. The injured youth has been identified as Pankaj Kumar, son of Shankar Mahato. According to the family, Pankaj Kumar was on his way to Baro village with his friend on a motorcycle to attend his sister’s tilak ceremony. A speeding truck near Zero Mile area collided forcefully with their motorcycle. Pankaj Kumar lost his life at the accident spot, while his friend sustained serious injuries. The Gadhara Thana police were informed about the incident, and they took control of the body and sent it to the Begusarai Sadar Hospital for post-mortem.

The police have reported that the condition of the injured youth is critical and he is currently receiving treatment at a private hospital. Kundan Kumar Singh, the stationed police officer at Gadhara Thana, confirmed the death of one youth in the road accident. The other youth is severely injured and undergoing treatment at a private hospital. Currently, the police have taken control of the body and sent it to the Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. Pankaj Shah was on his way to participate in his sister’s wedding rituals, but the uncontrolled speed of vehicles turned the joyous occasion into sorrow.

बेगूसराय में एक ट्रक के कारण हुए हादसे की हकीकत बताती है कि भाई के साथ एक युवक की मौत हो गई और दूसरा युवक गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गया। इस हादसे के कारण परिवार की खुशियां छिन गईं। घटना बेगूसराय में जीरोमाइल के पास हुई है और शव को पोस्टमार्टम के लिए सदर अस्पताल भेज दिया गया है। यह हादसा भारी वाहनों की अनियंत्रित गति के कारण हुआ है।

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