Young Couple’s Love Story in Darbhanga

In a remote area near the river in Darbhanga, a young man went to meet his girlfriend. The villagers spotted them and took them to the girl’s house, locking them in a room. As the situation escalated, the villagers decided to arrange their marriage based on the advice of the girl’s family. The entire incident is connected to the Biraul sub-district in Darbhanga.

The Boy’s Background

The boy, Ashok, hails from Balia village in the Viral Thana area. He took the risk of going to meet his girlfriend in a deserted area near the river. However, their secret meeting was not successful as the villagers caught them.

The Village’s Intervention

After witnessing the incident, the villagers decided to intervene and resolve the situation. They took the decision to arrange the marriage of the young couple, following the advice of the girl’s relatives. The villagers believed that this step would bring an end to the controversy and ensure the happiness of both families.

A Controversial Love Story

This love story in Darbhanga has become a topic of discussion among the locals. The incident highlights the challenges faced by young couples in conservative societies. The villagers’ decision to arrange the marriage reflects their attempt to find a solution that would satisfy both the couple and their families.

कुमार थे और प्रेमिका दरभंगा जिले के एक गांव से थी। इस मामले को देखकर गांव के लोगों ने उन्हें शादी करवा दी। यह मामला बिरौल अनुमंडल के सम्होती गांव से जुड़ा है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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