Workers Rescued Safely from a Tunnel in Uttarakhand

Three workers who were trapped in the Silkara tunnel in Khirabad, Uttarakhand, were rescued on Tuesday evening, bringing relief and happiness to their families. Among them was 55-year-old Shravan Bediya, who is paralyzed and was seen outside his hut in a wheelchair with some relief on his face. Along with 22-year-old Rajendra, two other villagers ★Sukhram and Anil, who were around 20 years old, were trapped inside the tunnel for 17 days.

Anil’s brother, Sunil, who had set up a camp outside the tunnel in Uttarkashi, said in a tearful voice, “Finally, God has heard us. My brother has been saved. I am with him in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.” When asked which hospital it was, he said he was not sure, but his brother’s condition is stable. Sunil had been staying at the site with 40 other workers inside the tunnel for the past week where his brother was trapped.

This was the toughest time experienced by Sunil, who works on such projects, as there was no one left to take care of his elderly parents who were in a state of shock. He said, “I somehow managed to arrange money for the journey to Uttarkashi.” There was a festive atmosphere in Khirabad and the villagers distributed sweets. Sukhram’s paralysed mother Parvati, who had been distraught since she heard about the disaster, was very happy to express her emotions.

In Anil’s house, where his grieving mother had not cooked anything for the past two weeks and the family was surviving

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