Sunil Ojha, the most trusted soldier of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the co-incharge of Bihar BJP, has passed away. He took his last breath in Delhi on Wednesday morning. The news of his demise has left the BJP in shock. Sunil Ojha was known for providing strength to the party at the organizational level. It is said that he was given a major responsibility in Bihar on the recommendation of PM Modi. Earlier, he served as the co-incharge of Uttar Pradesh.

After Sunil Ojha’s demise, the Bihar BJP expressed deep sorrow and stated that his death is a great loss for the party. They will always remember his contribution in the political field. They prayed for his soul to rest in peace and for his family to find strength.

The national president of BJP, JP Nadda, expressed his grief on social media and mentioned that the untimely demise of Sunil Ojha, a senior leader of the party and co-incharge of Bihar BJP, is extremely saddening. Sunil Ojha dedicated his entire life to public service and organization. His departure is an irreparable loss for the BJP family. Nadda expressed his heartfelt condolences to the grieving family and prayed for the peace of the departed soul.

Sunil Ojha was given the responsibility of Bihar due to his excellent track record. Originally from Bhavnagar district in Gujarat, he was considered one of the close associates of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sunil Ojha had also served as a BJP MLA from Bhavnagar South. He was a grassroots leader from the Brahmin community. After being appointed as the co-incharge of Bihar, he gained prominence in the political arena. It is said that he had been associated with Narendra Modi since the time when Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Due to his outstanding track record, he was made the co-incharge of Bihar BJP.

भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) के सह प्रभारी सुनील ओझा का निधन हो गया है। उनके निधन की खबर से भाजपा में शोक की लहर है। सुनील ओझा ने बिहार भाजपा के सह प्रभारी के रूप में मजबूती प्रदान की थी। उनका जाना भाजपा परिवार के लिए अपूरणीय क्षति है। भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष जेपी नड्डा ने उनके निधन के बारे में दुःख व्यक्त किया है। सुनील ओझा को बिहार का सह प्रभारी बनाने के बाद उनकी राजनीतिक गलियारों में हलचल तेज हो गई थी।

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