Bihar Trains continue to face incidents of stone pelting, from passenger trains to Rajdhani Express and Vande Bharat. Recently, incidents of stone pelting occurred on trains in Samastipur and Saharsa, causing damage to the coaches. In one incident, the Rajendranagar-Saharsa Intercity Express was targeted near the Jhapra Tola area, resulting in injuries to some passengers. Another incident occurred a day before, where the Jaynagar-Samastipur Passenger Train was attacked, damaging
बिहार में ट्रेनों पर पथराव हो रही है और इसमें यात्रियों के जख्मी होने की भी रिपोर्टें आ रही हैं। हाल ही में समस्तीपुर और सहरसा की ट्रेनों