Bangladeshi national Saiful Khan was arrested during an inspection on the India-Nepal friendship bridge in Motihari. The arrest was made by the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) during their routine inspection. Saiful Khan is said to be the son of Mugur Ali, a resident of Kamalpur police station in Dhaka district of Bangladesh. He was traveling from Raxaul to Birgunj on an e-rickshaw.
The arrest of Saiful Khan on the India-Nepal friendship bridge in Motihari has raised concerns about security in the area. The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) conducted a routine inspection and apprehended the Bangladeshi national. Saiful Khan is believed to be the son of Mugur Ali, a resident of Kamalpur police station in Dhaka district of Bangladesh. He was traveling from Raxaul to Birgunj on an e-rickshaw.
The arrest of Saiful Khan on the India-Nepal friendship bridge in Motihari has sparked discussions about border security. The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) conducted a routine inspection and detained the Bangladeshi national. Saiful Khan is reportedly the son of Mugur Ali, a resident of Kamalpur police station in Dhaka district of Bangladesh. He was traveling from Raxaul to Birgunj on an e-rickshaw.
The arrest of Saiful Khan on the India-Nepal friendship bridge in Motihari has raised questions about the effectiveness of border control. The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) carried out a routine inspection and apprehended the Bangladeshi national. Saiful Khan is said to be the son of Mugur Ali, a resident of Kamalpur police station in Dhaka district of Bangladesh. He was traveling from Raxaul to Birgunj on an e-rickshaw.
मोतिहारी में भारत-नेपाल मैत्री पुल पर जांच के दौरान एक बांग्लादेशी नागरिक सैफुल खान को गिरफ्तार किया गया है। उन्हें SSB द्वारा पकड़ा गया है और उनकी पहचान मुगर अली के बेटे सैफुल खान के रूप में की जा रही है। यह बांग्लादेश के निवासी हैं और वे रक्सौल से बीरगंज जा रहे थे।