Bihar Police to Track Criminals Using New Software

Bihar Police is working on a new software to track criminals based on technology. With the help of this software, as soon as criminals are released from jail, their information will be shared with local police stations and even with the local people. In addition, other states can also be alerted regarding interstate criminals. This software, called Criminal Multi Agency Centre (CRIMEK), allows easy sharing of information about criminals with other states, making it easier to monitor and arrest interstate criminals.

New Crime Detection Software to Aid Bihar Police

Bihar Police is also introducing a crime detection software in police stations. This software will help identify criminal activities and trends, enabling effective action against criminals. Bihar Police has also integrated its police stations with the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS), simplifying tracking of criminals involved in various cases.

Lokas App to Enhance Policing in Bihar

Bihar Police has developed a software app called Lokas to improve policing, analyze cases, identify crime hotspots, and monitor cases. This app allows easy access to information about any type of crime within a police station’s jurisdiction, facilitating immediate response from the station in case of a crime. The Lokas app will also enable online monitoring of cases and identification of crime hotspots through CCTV surveillance and police administration.

Online Monitoring Enhances Policing in Bihar

With the help of the Lokas app, all cases can be monitored online by DSPs, SSPs, and DIGs, while crime hotspots can be identified and monitored through CCTV surveillance. After a crime occurs, the location will be immediately traced and monitored, and the case will be closely monitored. In the coming days, the Integrated Control and Command Center and the design of this app will help reduce the crime rate in Bhagalpur.

पटना, बिहार में जेल के अंदर ही नहीं अब जेल से बाहर आये अपराधियों पर पुलिस की नजर रहेगी। बिहार पुलिस नए सॉफ्टवेयर के माध्यम से अपराधियों की ट्रैकिंग करेगी और सूचना स्थानीय थानों को मिलेगी बल्कि स्थानीय लोगों को भी सूचित किया जायेगा। इसके अलावा अंतरराज्यीय अपराधियों के विषय में भी दूसरे राज्यों को अलर्ट भेजा जा सकेगा। बिहार पुलिस क्राइमेक सॉफ्टवेयर पर काम कर रही है जिसकी मदद से अपराधियों के बारे में जानकारी एक-दूसरे राज्यों से शेयर की जा सकेगी। इसके अलावा थानों में क्राइम डिटेक्शन सॉफ्टवेयर भी उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है जिससे अपराध एवं अपराधियों की पहचान कर उनके खिलाफ कारगर कार्रवाई की जा सकेगी।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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