Patna: A labourer died on Thursday morning while cleaning a septic tank in the Chitrakoot Nagar area of the Danapur police station in Patna district. The labourer did not have any safety equipment during the cleaning process.
The incident took place in the Takiyapar area of Chitrakoot Nagar. The labourer was cleaning the septic tank when he lost his life. Unfortunately, he did not have any safety gear to protect himself during the cleaning process.
The lack of safety equipment for workers during such hazardous tasks is a serious concern. It is important for authorities to ensure that proper safety measures are in place to prevent such accidents and protect the lives of workers.
This incident serves as a reminder of the need for improved safety regulations and enforcement to protect the lives of workers in hazardous occupations. It is crucial for employers and authorities to prioritize the safety of workers and provide them with the necessary equipment and training to carry out their tasks safely.
दानापुर थाना क्षेत्र के तकियापर में स्थित चित्रकूट नगर में सुबह सेफ्टिक टैंक साफ करने के दौरान एक मजदूर की मौत हो गई। इसके दौरान मजदूर के पास कोई सुरक्षा उपकरण नहीं थे।