Devghar: To facilitate the convenience of passengers and manage the extra crowd, the Eastern Railway will continue to operate the Hyderabad-Raxaul and Raxaul-Secunderabad special trains with the current schedule and stoppages. This information was provided by the CPRO Kaushik Mitra. He mentioned that the 07051 Hyderabad-Raxaul special will run every Saturday between 2nd December and 27th January (9 trips), and the 07052 Raxaul-Secunderabad special will run every Tuesday between 5th December and 30th January (9 trips). The train will have general second class, sleeper class, and AC class compartments.
Delayed by one and a half hours, the Ang Express Railway System will ensure the safe and efficient operation of tracks, signals, and overhead electrification (OHE) maintenance work between Bhattanagar and Baltikuri in the Howrah Division, as well as traffic and power blocks between Shaktigarh and Bardhaman. Due to this, the 12254 Bhagalpur-ESMVT Bengaluru Ang Express, which runs via Jasidih, will be controlled for 75 minutes in the Asansol Division on 6th December and 13th December.
Indian Railways: Due to the fear of fog, Indian Railways has cancelled 14 trains between 4th December and February. Find out the details.
देवघर में यात्रियों की सुविधा के लिए और अतिरिक्त भीड़ से निबटने के लिए पूर्व रेलवे ने हैदराबाद-रक्सौल और रक्सौल-सिकंदराबाद स्पेशल ट्रेन का संचालन जारी रखा है। इन ट्रेनों में सामान्य द्वितीय श्रेणी, शयनयान श्रेणी और वातानुकूलित श्रेणी के डिब्बे होंगे। इसके अलावा, कोहरे की आशंका के चलते 4 दिसंबर से फरवरी के बीच 14 ट्रेनें भी निरस्त की जाएगी।