Dhanbad★Rajkumar Kisku and Poonam Kumari emerged as winners in their respective categories in an event held at Khelgaon in Ranchi from November 24th to 26th. (Sub Heading: Winners in Khelgaon Event)
The event witnessed a tough competition among participants from various categories. Rajkumar Kisku and Poonam Kumari showcased their exceptional skills and emerged as the champions in their respective categories. (Sub Heading: Tough competition and exceptional skills)
Rajkumar Kisku and Poonam Kumari’s victory in the event is a testament to their dedication and hard work. Their success will undoubtedly inspire other aspiring athletes to strive for excellence in their chosen sports. (Sub Heading: Dedication and inspiration)
The event in Khelgaon showcased the immense talent and potential of athletes from different backgrounds. It provided a platform for participants to display their skills and compete at a professional level. (Sub Heading: Showcasing talent and providing a platform)
खेल प्रतियोगिता में धनबाद के किस्कू व पूनम कुमारी ने अपने अपने वर्ग में जीत हासिल की है। यह प्रतियोगिता रांची के खेलगांव में 24 से 26 नवंबर तक आयोजित की गई थी।