New Guidelines for Marriage Halls in Gopalganj District

If you are planning to have your wedding in a marriage hall, the Gopalganj district administration has issued new guidelines that include several instructions for the operators of various marriage halls in the district. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in action against the operators of the marriage halls and strict measures by the Department of Excise.

Strict Measures Against Alcohol Consumption or Serving

The Product Officer of Gopalganj, Rakesh Kumar, has stated that complete prohibition of alcohol is in effect in Bihar and strict adherence to this policy is being enforced. In order to ensure that there is no violation of this prohibition during weddings, the Product Team will be conducting additional monitoring of marriage halls, guest houses, and hotels. Kumar has also mentioned that it has been instructed to all concerned to put up posters on the walls and banners during wedding ceremonies at any wedding venue or hotel in the district, warning against the consumption or storage of alcohol. If alcohol is found to be served or stored in any marriage building or hotel in the district, it will be sealed and action will be taken against the operators under the appropriate provisions of the Bihar Prohibition and Excise Act.

Continuous Monitoring by the Product Team

The Product Officer, Rakesh Kumar, has been holding meetings with all hotel operators to inform them of the strict instructions to display posts and banners related to alcohol during weddings at all marriage halls in Gopalganj. This is to ensure that people adhere to the guidelines properly. He also stated that strict action will be taken against anyone found drinking or serving alcohol in any hotel, and the Product Team is constantly monitoring the situation.

गोपालगंज जिला प्रशासन ने नई गाइडलाइन जारी की है, जिसमें गोपालगंज जिला के मैरेज हॉल में संचालकों के लिए कई निर्देश शामिल हैं। इसके मद्देनजर, गोपालगंज के उत्पाद अधीक्षक ने विभिन्न मैरेज हॉल, गेस्ट हाउस, होटल के संचालकों को शराबबंदी के निर्देशों का पालन करने के लिए सूचना दी है। उन्होंने बताया कि शराबबंदी के उल्लंघन पर कार्रवाई की जाएगी और उत्पाद विभाग कड़ा एक्शन ले सकता है। पूरी खबर पढ़ें:

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