Buxar: Police in Dumaraw Thana have arrested four members of a fake CID team. They were roaming around in their four-wheeler vehicle with a CID board and logos. The police also recovered a gun from them. It is believed that these individuals were involved in illegal extortion under the name of CID. Currently, they have been arrested and sent to jail.

According to reports, on Thursday night, Dumaraw SDPO Afak Akhtar received information about a fake CID team operating in the area. Acting on the tip-off, the police immediately swung into action and apprehended the four members. They were found carrying a fake CID board and logos on their vehicle, further raising suspicion.

The police suspect that these individuals were using the name of CID to engage in illegal extortion activities. The recovered gun further suggests their involvement in criminal activities. The arrested individuals have been sent to jail pending further investigation.

This incident highlights the need for vigilance and caution while dealing with individuals claiming to be part of law enforcement agencies. The police’s prompt action in apprehending the fake CID team has prevented potential harm and illegal activities in the area.

की निगरानी में जिले के एक इलाके में एक फर्जी सीआईडी टीम का पता चला। पुलिस ने इस टीम के चार सदस्यों को गिरफ्तार किया है, जो अपने चार पहिया वाहन पर सीआईडी का बोर्ड और लोगों को लगाकर घूम रहे थे। उनके पास से एक बंदूक भी मिली है। पुलिस का मानना है कि ये लोग सीआईडी के नाम पर अवैध वसूली का धंधा कर रहे थे। वर्तमान में इन्हें जेल भेज दिया गया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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