Manish Kumar/Katihar is gaining popularity for his digital decorations for weddings and other events. He offers a wide range of digital boards and gift items that can be customized according to the customer’s preferences. Customers can visit his shop in Binodpur, Katihar, to order digital boards and gifts at affordable prices. Manish has mastered this art while living in Delhi for two years and has now opened his own shop in Katihar, where he creates unique and personalized gift items.
Manish also specializes in designing photo frames in various styles. He has gained popularity among the people of Katihar in just four months of opening his shop. His customers can order customized gifts and boards according to their preferences, and Manish ensures that the final product matches their expectations. He uses materials like wood, neon lights, street lights, and acrylic to create these unique and beautiful items.
Customers can order their preferred designs through Google search, and Manish will create the gift accordingly. He also creates better frames for photographs of the newlyweds on marble seats. His shop has seen a high demand for photo frames, signboards, and other digital gifts during the wedding season. Manish also offers various signboards for haldi, shubh vivah, sangeet, and sada suhagan ceremonies.
Despite being a graduate, Manish chose entrepreneurship over a regular job. He has found success and support from the people of Katihar, which has helped him establish a profitable business. His shop receives around 5-6 orders per day, with prices ranging from ₹800 to ₹1200, depending on the customer’s demands. Manish is grateful for the love and support he has received from the people of Katihar, which has made his business thrive.
Customers like Madan Kumar appreciate the convenience and uniqueness of Manish’s shop. He believes that Katihar has greatly benefited from having such a store, as it offers a wide range of gift items and digital decorations that were not available in the city before. These digital gifts are not only affordable but also add beauty to homes and special occasions. Overall, Manish Kumar/Katihar’s digital boards and gift items have become a popular topic of discussion in Katihar.
मनीष कुमार/कटिहार पर एक छोटा सा हिंदी सारांश: मनीष कुमार कटिहार में एक डिजिटल दुकान चला रहे हैं, जहां वे डिजिटल तरीके से साइन बोर्ड, फोटो फ्रेम और अन्य गिफ्ट आइटम्स तैयार करते हैं। इसके अलावा वे शादी विवाह के अवसर पर भी गिफ्ट लेने वालों की सुविधा प्रदान करते हैं। इन दिनों उनकी दुकान में फोटो फ्रेम, साइन बोर्ड और अन्य गिफ्ट आइटम की बढ़ती मांग है। वह कहते हैं कि उन्हें कटिहार के लोगों का सपोर्ट और प्यार मिल रहा है और उनका व्यवसाय भी ठीक-ठाक मुनाफा कमा रहा है।