Renowned scholar and disciple of the creator of the Santali script, Pandit Raghunath Murmu, Ramchandra Baske, passed away on Thursday night. Baske was an eminent figure in the field of Santali language and literature, contributing significantly to the preservation and promotion of the Santali script.
Legacy of Pandit Raghunath Murmu
Pandit Raghunath Murmu, the creator of the Santali script, played a crucial role in preserving and reviving the Santali language and culture. His pioneering efforts led to the development of the Ol Chiki script, which has become the official script of the Santali language. His disciples, like Ramchandra Baske, carried forward his legacy by furthering his work and advocating for the recognition of Santali as a distinct language.
Contributions of Ramchandra Baske
Ramchandra Baske, a prominent disciple of Pandit Raghunath Murmu, made significant contributions to the field of Santali language and literature. He dedicated his life to promoting the Santali script and encouraging its usage among the Santali community. Baske’s efforts included writing books and articles in Santali, conducting workshops, and organizing cultural events to create awareness about the Santali language and its unique script.
Implications of Baske’s Demise
The demise of Ramchandra Baske is a significant loss for the Santali language and literature community. His deep knowledge and expertise in the field will be sorely missed. However, his contributions and the legacy of Pandit Raghunath Murmu will continue to inspire future generations to preserve and promote the Santali script and language. It is essential for scholars and enthusiasts to carry forward their work and ensure the recognition and preservation of the rich Santali culture and heritage.
संथाली लिपि ओलचिकि के जनक पंडित रघुनाथ मुर्मू के प्रमुख शिष्य रामचंद्र बास्के ने गुरुवार की रात को अपने निधन का समाचार दिया है। वे संथाली लिपि के विकास में अहम योगदान देने वाले थे और उनकी मृत्यु एक बड़ी क्षति है। उनकी यादें हमेशा हमारे दिलों में बसी रहेंगी।