Sahibganj Police in Rajmahal has recovered two live bombs from underneath a car owned by Lakshmi Narayan Mandal, a resident of Naya Basti village in Kaswa Panchayat. The incident took place when Mandal was inspecting the construction of a house in Kalapathar village. Workers at the site noticed a bag stuck under the car and informed Mandal. When he removed the bag, he found two live bombs inside. The police were immediately informed about the incident and they deactivated the bombs. Mandal informed the police that he had been facing a dispute with his father and brother, who had previously attempted to kill him with an illegal weapon. The police are currently investigating the case.
साहिबगंज में राजमहल पुलिस ने एक कार से दो देसी जिंदा बम बरामद किए हैं। यह घटना कसवा पंचायत के नया बस्ती गांव के निवासी लक्ष्मी नारायण मंडल के कार के नीचे से हुई है। इसे जानकर सभी के होश उड़ गए हैं। पुलिस मामले की जांच कर रही है।