★The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) has initiated a survey to determine the status of parties in the India Alliance on the 40 Lok Sabha seats in Bihar. The survey aims to identify which party should contest from which seat in the alliance, including the JDU, Congress, RJD, and Left parties. The survey will also gather feedback on caste representation and increased reservation for backward classes.
★According to sources from the Rashtriya Janata Dal, the survey has been ongoing for a few weeks now and is being conducted at two levels. An independent agency has been assigned the responsibility of carrying out the survey. The survey aims to assess the party’s position on specific seats, especially where the party already has a strong voter base. Additionally, at the district level, the survey is being conducted by party leaders to gather information on people’s opinions regarding caste representation and increasing reservation for backward and Dalit communities.
★The survey, which is expected to be completed within a few days, also aims to determine the political ground of the alliance parties. It will assess which party should be fielded in different constituencies and where each party has a strong support base. The feedback from current MPs of the alliance and opposition parties is also being collected. It is worth mentioning that the RJD does not currently hold any seats out of Bihar’s 40, while the JDU has 16 MPs and the Congress has one.
★After December 3, the party will intensify its efforts to discuss the survey results not only to assess the chances of winning for each party but also to discuss agendas with allies like the JDU, Congress, and Left parties. The India Alliance has been engaged in discussions regarding seat-sharing in recent days, but the process was put on hold due to assembly elections in five states. It is expected that after the announcement of the election results on December 3, the seat-sharing discussions will gain momentum.
बिहार में हाइलाइट्सबिहार ने एक सर्वे एजेंसी शुरू की है जो 40 लोकसभा सीटों पर इंडिया अलायंस में शामिल होने वाले दलों की स्थिति जानने के लिए किया जा रहा है। इस सर्वे के माध्यम से पार्टियों को यह जानने का प्रयास होगा कि कौन सी सीटों पर उनकी स्थिति अच्छी है और कहां पर उन्हें लड़ना चाहिए। सर्वे के दौरान जाति और पिछड़े वर्ग के लिए आरक्षण पर भी ध्यान दिया जा रहा है। सर्वे रिपोर्ट को दिसंबर में जारी किया जाएगा।