Cyber police are taking action against cyber criminals through the Pratibimb app. The cyber police have arrested Sarthak Datta, who resides in Narayanpur, Jamtara, near Law College. Sarthak was constructing a house near his brother’s house, using land he had acquired. The police became suspicious and the cyber police, led by Cyber DSP Sumit Saurabh Lakda, apprehended Sarthak. The police found two mobile phones in Sarthak’s possession. Upon investigation of the mobile phones, several pieces of evidence related to cyber crime were discovered.
The cyber police are using the Pratibimb app to combat cyber criminals. Sarthak Datta, a resident of Narayanpur in Jamtara near Law College, has been arrested by the cyber police. Sarthak was in the process of building a house near his brother’s house, using land he had acquired. This aroused suspicion from the police, leading the cyber police, under the leadership of Cyber DSP Sumit Saurabh Lakda, to apprehend Sarthak. Two mobile phones were found in Sarthak’s possession, and upon inspection, several pieces of evidence related to cyber crime were discovered.
With the help of the Pratibimb app, the cyber police are taking action against cyber criminals. Sarthak Datta, a resident of Narayanpur in Jamtara near Law College, has been apprehended by the cyber police. Sarthak was constructing a house near his brother’s house, using land he had obtained. This raised suspicion among the police, leading the cyber police, under the guidance of Cyber DSP Sumit Saurabh Lakda, to capture Sarthak. Two mobile phones were recovered from Sarthak, and upon examination, several pieces of evidence related to cyber crime were found.
Through the Pratibimb app, the cyber police are cracking down on cyber criminals. Sarthak Datta, who resides in Narayanpur, Jamtara near Law College, has been arrested by the cyber police. Sarthak was in the process of building a house near his brother’s house, using land he had acquired. This raised the police’s suspicions, prompting the cyber police, led by Cyber DSP Sumit Saurabh Lakda, to apprehend Sarthak. Two mobile phones were confiscated from Sarthak, and upon investigation, several pieces of evidence related to cyber crime were discovered.
और सबूत मिले हैं। साइबर पुलिस का कहना है कि सार्थक दत्ता एक साइबर अपराधी हैं और वह अनलॉ कॉलेज के छात्रों को धमकियां देकर उनसे पैसे वसूलता था। साइबर पुलिस अब उनके मोबाइल और कंप्यूटर की जांच करके उनकी गतिविधियों की पूरी जानकारी प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रही है।