JAMSHEDPUR: The Chakradharpur Railway Division blocked the line in Kandra on Sunday to change the guard and repair the bridge. As a result, train services from Tata Nagar have been affected. Due to the block, trains to Khargapur, Asansol, and Barkakana have been canceled, while several other trains have been rescheduled and their routes changed. This news is from the Hindustan automated news feed and has not been edited by the Live Hindustan team.
The Chakradharpur Railway Division blocked the line in Kandra on Sunday to change the guard and repair the bridge. As a result, train services from Tata Nagar have been affected. Due to the block, trains to Khargapur, Asansol, and Barkakana have been canceled, while several other trains have been rescheduled and their routes changed.
This news is from the Hindustan automated news feed and has not been edited by the Live Hindustan team.
रविवार को चक्रधरपुर मंडल रेलवे ने लाइन मरमत और ब्रिज का गार्डर बदलने के लिए कांड्रा में लाइन ब्लॉक किया है। इस कारण टाटानगर से चलने वाली ट्रेनें प्रभावित हो रही हैं। खड़गपुर, आसनसोल और बरकाकाना की ट्रेनों को ब्लॉक के कारण रद्द किया गया है और कई ट्रेनों का मार्ग भी बदल गया है।