Mass Gathering of Cooks and Organizers in Morhabadi
A massive gathering of cooks and organizers is taking place in Morhabadi ground in the capital city of Ranchi. Cooks, organizers, and leaders from all over the state have come together for this event. The gathering is addressing various demands and concerns. Cooks, organizers, and leaders from all 24 districts of the state are participating in this one-day event.
Government Neglects the Future of People
The organizers of the event claim that the government is neglecting the future of the people. Despite promises to establish regulations and provide other facilities, the government has not paid attention to the demands. The organizers emphasize the need for proper attention and support from the government for the betterment of the people.
Assurances Only Given After Protests
The organizers highlight that assurances from the government are only given after protests. They express disappointment with the government’s lack of proactive action and accuse it of responding to demands only when faced with public demonstrations. The organizers urge the government to address the concerns of the people without waiting for protests to occur.
Statewide Participation in the Gathering
The gathering witnesses participation from cooks, organizers, and leaders from all 24 districts of the state. This highlights the widespread concern and unity among the food industry professionals. The event serves as a platform for them to voice their demands and expectations, emphasizing the need for government support and attention.
मोरहाबादी में राज्य भर से आए रसोईया, संयोजिका और अध्यक्ष का महाजुटान हो रहा है। इस महाजुटान में राज्य के 24 जिलों से रसोईया, संयोजिका और अध्यक्ष शामिल हैं। संघ का कहना है कि सरकार लोगों के भविष्य के लिए ध्यान नहीं दे रही है और उनके द्वारा की गई बातों को नजरअंदाज किया जा रहा है।