Attack on Road Construction Vehicles in Pokalo Dhodha, Bedo Thana Area

Around four to five armed criminals attacked and set fire to the vehicles involved in road construction near Pokalo Dhodha in the Bedo Thana area, located on the main Ranchi-Gumla highway. The incident took place in broad daylight, causing significant damage to the construction equipment.

Assault on Mining Camp in Ramgarh

In another incident, a mining camp in Ramgarh was targeted by unidentified assailants. The criminals launched an attack, causing chaos and fear among the workers present at the camp. The motive behind the assault is yet to be determined.

Increasing Crime Rate in the Region

These incidents highlight the rising crime rate in the region, posing a threat to the safety and security of the local residents and infrastructure. The authorities need to take immediate action to curb such criminal activities and ensure the protection of public and private properties.

Need for Enhanced Security Measures

Considering the recent incidents, it is crucial for the concerned authorities to strengthen security measures in the affected areas. Increased police patrolling, surveillance, and intelligence gathering can play a vital role in preventing and apprehending the criminals involved in such acts of violence.

रांची-गुमला मुख्य मार्ग पर बेड़ो थाना क्षेत्र के पोकलो ढोढ़हा के करीब चार-पांच हथियारबंद अपराधियों ने रोड कंस्ट्रक्शन में लगी गाड़ियों को फ़ूंक दिया। इसके अलावा, रामगढ़ में खनन कैंप पर भी हमला किया गया।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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