Samastipur, Bihar witnessed a horrific incident involving a Ticket Examiner (TTE) on December 3rd. The TTE became furious with a passenger traveling in a sleeper coach with a general ticket and ended up causing fatal injuries to the passenger. The incident occurred on the Mithila Express train between Samastipur and Barauni Rail Section, where the TTE pushed the passenger, causing him to fall and sustain serious head and leg injuries. The passenger was taken to Patna PMCH for treatment but unfortunately succumbed to his injuries.

Following the incident, the Samastipur DRM took immediate action and suspended the accused TTE. The injured passenger was initially admitted to Ujiarpur PHC but was later referred to Patna for further medical treatment. The deceased passenger has been identified as Naval Prasad, a 48-year-old resident of Bhatari Tikulia Panchayat under Sugauli Police Station in East Champaran district of Bihar.

According to the victim’s relative, Shashi Bhushan, the incident took place on the Mithila Express train. They were residents of Sugauli and were traveling to Kerala. They boarded the sleeper coach after purchasing general tickets. When they reached Ujiarpur station, the TTE asked them to get off the train or pay a fine of Rs 500. As they refused to pay, the TTE, Raj Kumar Sah, pushed Naval Prasad, causing him to fall and sustain injuries.

Later, the injured laborer was admitted to Ujiarpur PHC by the personnel of the RPF for treatment. However, after receiving primary treatment, doctors at the PHC referred him to Sadar Hospital in Samastipur. But due to the deteriorating condition of the injured youth, the on-duty doctor at Sadar Hospital referred him to Patna, where he unfortunately passed away during the course of treatment.

In response to this incident, a committee was formed by Vinay Kumar Srivastava, the Samastipur Divisional Railway Manager, to investigate the matter. After receiving the committee’s report, the accused TTE, Raj Kumar Sah, was immediately suspended. The department is also shocked by the inhumane behavior of the TTE.

बिहार के समस्तीपुर जिले में एक भयानक घटना घटी है, जहां रेलवे के टीटीई के वजह से एक यात्री की मौत हो गई। इस मामले में टीटीई ने जनरल टिकट लेकर स्लीपर कोच में सवार हुए यात्री को धक्का दिया, जिसके कारण यात्री ट्रेन से गिरकर जख्मी हो गया। इसके बाद उसकी मौत हो गई। घटना के बाद समस्तीपुर डीआरएम ने आरोपी TTE को निलंबित कर दिया है। इस मामले में जख्मी के परिजनों ने यह दावा किया है कि टीटीई ने उन्हें धक्का देकर ट्रेन से गिराया। इस वारदात को लेकर समस्तीपुर मंडल रेल प्रबंध ने जांच की शुरुआत की है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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