Vikram Kumar Jha, a farmer from Purnia, Bihar, has been facing difficulties in his potato cultivation this year. After the potato plants sprouted, they were affected by a disease called drying disease, which causes the roots to turn black and leaves to shrivel. This has led to a significant loss for the farmers in the region. However, agricultural scientists have advised farmers to take precautions during sowing to prevent the disease. They recommend treating the seeds with Redomil Gold medicine to reduce the chances of infection.
To prevent the drying disease in potato crops, farmers in Purnia have been advised to take preventive measures during the sowing process. This includes treating the seeds with a solution made from Redomil Gold medicine. By doing this, the chances of infection from the drying disease are reduced. Additionally, farmers are recommended to spray their crops with the solution at regular intervals to ensure the disease does not affect the plants. By following these preventive measures, farmers can expect a good harvest of potatoes.
In case the drying disease affects the potato plants, farmers are advised to use Cymoxanil Gel medicine. This medicine should be mixed with water at a ratio of 2.5 grams per liter and sprayed on the crops every 7 days. This treatment will help farmers eliminate the disease from their potato plants. It is important to remove any dried plants from the field to prevent the infection from spreading to other plants. By following these steps, farmers can minimize the impact of the drying disease on their potato crops.
पूर्णिया, बिहार में आलू की खेती बड़े पैमाने पर होती है। इस वर्ष किसान कपिल देवने का कहना है कि उनकी आलू की फसल में सूखता की बीमारी लग रही है जिसके कारण पौधे सूखकर गिर रहे हैं। कृषि वैज्ञानिक डॉ. के.एम. सिंह ने इसे एक फंगस वाली बीमारी बताया है और कहा है कि इसे बचाने के लिए बुआई के समय उपचार करना चाहिए। वहीं, अगर सूखता बीमारी लग जाती है तो Cymoxanil Gel दवाई का छिड़काव करना चाहिए। इससे सूखता बीमारी से छुटकारा मिलेगा।