JDU’s focus on EBC voters after appeasing Dalit voters from the Bhim Parliament. JDU is planning to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Karpoori Thakur in a grand manner to attract extremely backward class (EBC) voters. The party is preparing for a large rally on January 24th on the occasion of Karpoori Jayanti. The importance of this rally for JDU can be understood by the fact that a crucial meeting of the party’s state executive and district presidents was called in the party headquarters. It was decided that a big rally will be held in Patna’s Veterinary Ground, which is expected to be attended by around 2 lakh extremely backward class people.

The extremely backward class is considered the largest population in Bihar after the caste census, making it a significant vote bank. JDU has shifted its focus to this vote bank as it believes that whoever wins the support of the extremely backward class voters will have an advantage in the Lok Sabha elections. BJP has also been trying to establish its presence in this vote bank and has been portraying JDU as anti-extremely backward class.

According to JDU’s Bihar state president, Umesh Singh Kushwaha, this is a crucial time politically. The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are approaching, followed by the 2025 Assembly elections. JDU has played a historical role in increasing reservation based on the caste census and expanding its scope to 75%. Kushwaha emphasized the importance of the extremely backward class section for the party, as JDU has worked tirelessly for their upliftment. He mentioned that out of JDU’s 16 MPs in the Lok Sabha, 5 belong to the extremely backward class. The recent caste census has shown that the extremely backward class will benefit the most from these decisions.

Madan Sahni, JDU’s extremely backward class leader and minister, announced that the 100th birth anniversary of Jan Nayak Karpoori Thakur will be celebrated on a large scale on January 24th. The party is already preparing for the grand finale of the Jan Nayak Karpoori Charcha. This will be a significant rally, expected to attract a large number of people. It will send a strong message to the extremely backward class community.

BJP spokesperson, Prem Ranjan Patel, commented on JDU’s extremely backward class rally, stating that the extremely backward class community in Bihar understands better what JDU has done for them. While BJP was in power, steps were taken for the upliftment of the extremely backward class, such as appointing Renu Devi as Deputy Chief Minister. He claimed that BJP will continue to give the extremely backward class their rightful place in society.

जदयू ने दलित वोटरों को साधने की कवायद के बाद अब अति पिछड़े वोटरों को लुभाने के लिए 100वीं कर्पूरी जयंती को भव्य तरीके से मनाने की तैयारी की है। इस मौके पर आगामी 24 जनवरी को बड़ी रैली की तैयारी में जुट गया है जदयू। ऐसा इसलिए कि बिहार में अति पिछड़ा समाज सबसे बड़ी आबादी वाला जाति है और इस वोट बैंक को अपने पाले में जो भी राजनीतिक दल कर लेगा वो लोकसभा चुनाव में बेहतर स्थिति में होगा। जदयू की नजर इस वोट बैंक पर पड़ गई है और इसलिए वह इस रैली को बहुत महत्व दे रही है। इसके साथ ही, बीजेपी भी अति पिछड़ा वोट बैंक में अपनी पैठ जमाने की कोशिश में लगी हुई है। जदयू के प्रमुख नेता उमेश सिंह कुशवाहा ने बताया कि इस रैली के माध्यम से अति पिछड़ा समाज को बड़ा मैसेज दिया जाएगा।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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